Meta, the parent company of Instagram and Facebook, is under fire after social media users accused the platform of automatically refollowing official accounts of US President Donald Trump, Vice President JD Vance, and First Lady Melania Trump. Many users, including celebrities, have reported that they had to unfollow these accounts multiple times because the platform kept refollowing them.
Meta has denied the claims, stating that users were not forced to follow the accounts. The company says that the transition of official Instagram and Facebook accounts for the President, Vice President, and First Lady happens with every administration. Meta claims that follow and unfollow requests might take time to process due to the transition.
However, this hasn’t stopped users from raising concerns about Meta’s handling of these accounts. The controversy comes amid growing criticism of Meta for its perceived rightward shift in policy. Some users have noted that the hashtag #Democrat was blocked on Instagram, further fueling skepticism about the platform’s neutrality.
Meta says the issue with the hashtag was part of a broader problem affecting multiple hashtags across the platform, not just those associated with left-leaning content. Despite Meta’s denials, many users remain skeptical about the company’s policies and its handling of official accounts. The incident has sparked a wider debate about social media companies and their role in shaping public discourse.