Amazon India users can now book movie tickets using the e-retailer’s app. The e-commerce giant has partnered with BookMyShow to offer this new service to both its Prime as well as non-Prime members. There’s a new ‘Movie Tickets’ category in the ‘Shop By Category’ section of the app, and inside the Amazon Pay tab. This new service not only allows users to buy movie tickets, but also offer other content from BookMyShow, including reviews and ratings. Amazon India already offers the ability to book flight tickets, pay bill, perform mobile recharges, and now it has forayed into the entertainment segment as well.

This service is currently available on the app or mobile site only, and desktop users won’t be able to see the movie tickets options as of now. The new ‘Movie Tickets’ category can be found in the ‘Shop by Category’ section or in the Amazon Pay tab (next to the Flights section). Clicking on the option will take you to another page that will ask you to select your region, your exact zone, and your preferred movie. After that you can select the movie theatre, the time of the show that you prefer, and the rates per seat. You can then select the seats in a similar manner as you do on BookMyShow, and then get to the payment page, wherein you can pay using Amazon Pay, or other digital methods.

Payment options include Amazon Pay balance, Amazon Pay ICICI Credit Card, Amazon Pay UPI or other digital payment methods. Within ICICI Amazon Pay credit card customers will earn 2 percent cashback as monthly statement rewards when they buy movie tickets on As part of the launch offer, Amazon is offering 20 percent cashback up to Rs. 200 on movie ticket bookings. This offer is valid once per user, and will end today.

At the end of the booking, the user will be able to download the ticket for future use and circulation among friends.

“We are happy to partner with BookMyShow to open out-of-home movie entertainment as a new category on,” said Mahendra Nerurkar, Director, Amazon Pay, in a statement. “Our aim is to simplify the lives of our customers in every possible way – as they shop, pay bills or seek other services. This partnership is yet another step on this ongoing journey.”

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Tasneem Akolawala
When not expelling tech wisdom, Tasneem feeds on good stories that strike on all those emotional chords. She loves road trips, a good laugh, and interesting people. She binges on movies, sitcoms, food, books, and DIY videos.

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