22 Comments on “Thermoelectric Cooling is a Bad Idea”

  1. I know that does not have to do anything with the video, but I have been watching Scrapyard Wars for the past days and I might have an idea for season 8. I don't know if you want to continue the series but… My idea is that the teams have to be in another country, where the English is not a regional language and buy the parts from there. Thank you in forward for taking my idea for a potential theme of Scrapyard Wars season 8.

  2. Why is this idea just now coming back? Cool-IT systems had an amazing product almost 10 (wow maybe even 15?) years back with the FreeZone and Boreas (with or without the MTEC or Silverstone case). That was when Pentium Ds were showing us how to properly heat rooms.

    I am still running my same look with 2010 with my Boreas and MTEC in the SilverStone case. The MTEC control can be a bit wonky, but that is easy to fix or bypass.

    If I remember right, what killed the idea for Cool-it was not the TEC, it was subpar pump manufacturing by a vendor. No one wants blue water goo dripping on their Video card.

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