Telekom Malaysia (TM), the national Internet Service Provider (ISP) that we all love (and hate) recently posted a status update on its Facebook account, as below:

TM syok Hidup Lebih Mudah
“Menjadikan #HidupLebihMudah Demi Kesejahteraan Malaysia”

Basically TM is saying that it is making Life Easier for all of us. 

With TM’s poor customer service, unstable Unifi network and super expensive Streamyx pricing Malaysians disagreed. Here’s what they commented:

Ai Poyo: TM jangan syok sendiri

Aniq Muhaimin: Lanjious

Norlina Ramli: #HidupLebihSusah

Pok Pok 颜: bagai streamyx menjadi hidup susah oh

Mohd Hazrul: Memang bayar TM just utk hadap problem saja 24jam ke..???

Isfyandie Barji: Sejahtera la sangat.. Coverage pn takda

Joachim Ardiles Jukie: Question… Is TM stands for TIDUR MATI? Because my wifi lately so slow for weeks and it seems there’s no action from you guys because you guys are DEAD ASLEEP!

Erwin Jason George: Destroy your streamxy system 1st…make sure whole housing area of Malaysia covered by fibre connections…then boast about your services.thank you

Acap Bin: Time potong cepat jer nk suruh org bayar bill
Time report terkedek2 ….

Nor Ibrahim: Hidup lebih stress dgn streamyx

Hamdan Bin Karamin: lawak betul TM ni hehehe

Alice Ang: My house phone down since Mar19 and internet (Streamxy) down right now. We lodge a technical report 1-21702633894 No action has been done.. You guys keep selling Unifi and my area in KL is like a hidden jungle and keep using Streamxy (pay for low speed and now cease servicing). PLEASE do SOMETHING? I cannot just pay for service that is not even running… #tm

Syaribul Manap Purist Thunderwrath: Tinggal berapa hari je untuk tm beri jawapan berkenaan streamyx

Mayee Nazrich: Korang jangan duk bermimpi disiang hari!
Hidup aku lebih susah dan stress dengan TM Group!

Farsuriati Yasid: Kenapa sy nk adu kerosakkan telefon 100 tp xde staff yg jwb?? Pnggillan mati begitu je.. Bpe kali sy call.. Hbis kredit fone sy je.. Tlg jwb

Vivien Chen: TM installer named Hisham 0123825548 was incompetent. He went to the wrong site and did not even called my hp to clarify on the matter and report customer cancel request to relocate. INCOMPETENT service! I CALLED TM 100 every day to asked on my order status. Causing huge problem to company phoneline. Customers asking why line not ready, I have informed that TM lousy and tortoise speed service.

Mo AL Zol: turun laa harga streamyx.. rm160 fotr 8mbps..jangan nak gebang laa sbb maintenance mahal..xde maintenance sangat pon..purely milking money from the customers..

Alhenrz Liaw: sangat kecewa duit tau untung tapi service sangat buruk , hotline untuk mengadu pun suruh komputer cakap . suruh buat report rosak akan diperbaiki dalam masa 24 jam tetapi sudah limpas 196jam tetapi masih lagi tiada datang service , lewat seminut bayar dah disekat digunakan tetapi rosak tetap juga cas sampai hujung bulan . bayar ganti rugi balik lah kalau begitu asik kamu saja menang ? kau ingat free free kah duit kami tu ?

OK: tm. kenapa rumah saya line bermasalah pula. kalau lewat bayar laju je potong. sepatutnya kalau line problem atas kesulitan tm patut bertanggungjawab lah. ini kalau lewat bayar kena potong pastu cas pulak untuk sambungan. come on la. pantas memotong. pantas la membaiki kerosakan tu. bila tm yang problem pengguna tetap bayar seperti biasa!

Encik Arjuna Kencana: Streamyx menyusahkan hidup kami……. x adil

Calvin Gabin: hidup lebih mudah? twat company making my life miserable

Clement Clement: Hanya you tm mudah, internet poor service mudah ape lagi

Zulfadly Zakariya: wehhh… biler nak repair tenet umh aku. dah 3 minggu dah tak setel2. adoii.

Nur Irfan Iffat: hahah…..3 mngu bru btulkn bila buat report….🤣🤣🤣 ap yg mudah tu oiii

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Here’s the original posting:

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