Samsung is being sued by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission over the water resistance claims for a series of Galaxy-branded phones.

The ACCC claims that Samsung “made false, misleading, and deceptive representations” regarding the water resistance of its phones, as its ads showed people using these devices in oceans and swimming pools, only for the company to then deny warranty repairs caused by exposure to water.

Because the IP rating that Samsung phones only involve exposure to clean water, the South Korean firm refused to repair devices damaged when used in water, so the ACCC is now seeking “penalties, consumer redress orders, injunctions, declarations, publication orders, an order as to findings of fact, and costs.”

“The ACCC alleges Samsung’s advertisements falsely and misleadingly represented Galaxy phones would be suitable for use in, or for exposure to, all types of water, including in ocean water and swimming pools, and would not be affected by such exposure to water for the life of the phone, when this was not the case,” ACCC Chair Rod Sims said.

“Unfair competitive advantage”

The first Samsung Galaxy model that came with water resistance was the Galaxy S5, which featured an IP67 rating. Nowadays, all Galaxy S models feature an IP68 rating, which means they can be submerged in water that is 1.5 meters deep for a maximum of 30 minutes.

The Australian watchdog discovered more than 300 advertisements highlighting the water resistance of Galaxy phones.

“Samsung itself has acknowledged that water resistance is an important factor influencing Australian consumer decisions when they choose what mobile phone to purchase,” Sims said. “Samsung’s advertisements, we believe, denied consumers an informed choice and gave Samsung an unfair competitive advantage.”

Samsung has already issued a statement regarding the legal action.

“Samsung stands by its marketing and advertising of the water resistancy of its…

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