The OnePlus 6 and 6T may be last year’s devices, but the company still seems to be hard at work on pushing out timely updates for them, including the much-anticipated screen recorder feature. This, along with a new security patch, is coming to all variants of the OnePlus 6 & 6T (except the T-Mo OnePlus 6T) via OxygenOS 9.0.15 / 9.0.7, which begin their incremental rollout today.

Left: The OTA update (via: Satish), Right: The screen recorder in the quick settings menu (via: Ajith).

First introduced with the OnePlus 7 Pro, the screen recorder allows you to capture video and audio of your phone screen. Users soon found screen recording to kind of work on older devices by side-loading the installer, leading OnePlus to clarify that this would be ported to older devices in the months to come. The end-of-May Open Beta then introduced the screen recorder to testers of the OnePlus 6/6T and now, barely a month later, it’s being officially rolled out.

The update also brings the June 2019 Android security patch, support for VoLTE for Danish operator Telia, and improved screen rotation — which I’m assuming means it will work more reliably. Along with these, an updated feedback tool for submitting bug reports and feature requests has been added to the Community app — another feature to graduate from Open Beta. You can find the (not so lengthy) changelog below:

  • System
    • Updated Android security patch to 2019.6
    • Improved screen rotation
    • Added Screen recorder feature (Quick Settings – Screen Recorder)
  • Communication
    • Support VoLTE/VoWiFi for Telia Denmark

As mentioned earlier, this is an incremental update, so mashing that “check for updates” button isn’t necessarily going to work, but waiting a day or two definitely will.

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