Jony Ive (left) and Apple CEO Tim Cook look over iPhones during a launch event leading up to the release of the iPhone X, XR, and XS.
Jony Ive (left) and Apple CEO Tim Cook look over iPhones during a launch event leading up to the release of the iPhone X, XR, and XS. Noah Berger/AFP/Getty Images

“Good riddance.”

“Do they really need him? Apple just makes rectangles for all their products now.”

“Many Apple products could use a big design refresh anyway.”

This is just a small selection of the less-than kind comments found on articles about Sir Jony Ive (I’m British, so I have no problem calling him by his title, unlike others) leaving Apple to start his own design firm. Spiteful, derogatory, and dismissive, none take into account the impact most products that occupy the pages of his sketchpad have on us, and the entire industry.

That said, gushing, laudatory reactions more fitting to the man’s obituary are also unnecessary. A more measured approach to what is undoubtably a transformative time for Ive and Apple itself is needed, at least to truly appreciate what is the end of one era and the beginning of another. Remember, Ive has not retired. We’re going to continue to see his creations, both inside and outside the campus he designed for Apple.

How many designers do you know by name?

A legacy…

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