Redmi K20 is being teased by Xiaomi ahead of its launch in the India next month, while the company is also set to launch its brand new Mi CC9 series of smartphones in China next week. Separately, the Vivo Z1 Pro will be unveiled in India in the coming week, the first smartphone for the country by Vivo to sport a hole-punch display. South Korean electronics giant LG launched its brand new affordable W-series in India this week, while Airtel expanded its rewards programme benefits for broadband customers. Read on for all the top stories this week.

Redmi K20 India launch teaser

Xiaomi unveiled the Redmi K20 and Redmi K20 Pro in China late last month, its flagship smartphones under the Redmi brand. Ever since that launch, the company has been teasing its arrival in India. Last week, Xiaomi India head Manu Kumar Jain revealed the India launch would be 4 weeks away, indicating that the Redmi K20 series would be announced in the country in the middle of June. It’s likely the company will the date of its five-year anniversary in India – July 15 – for the Redmi K20 series launch.

This week, Xiaomi India began teasing the performance of the Redmi K20 and its recently launched Qualcomm Snapdragon 730 SoC. Teasers including various impressive benchmark figures. To recall its specifications, the Redmi K20 sports up to 8GB of RAM, a 6.39-inch full-HD+ display with no notch, a triple rear camera setup (48-megapixel + 13-megapixel + 8-megapixel), as well as a pop-up selfie camera with a 20-megapixel sensor.

There is up to 256GB of onboard storage on the Redmi K20, and it runs on a 4,000mAh battery with 18W fast charging. As for pricing, the Redmi K20 price in China starts at CNY 1,999 (roughly Rs. 20,200) for the 6GB/ 64GB variant, going up to CNY 2,099 (roughly Rs. 21,200) for the 6GB/ 128GB variant, and CNY 2,599 (roughly Rs. 26,200) for the top-end 8GB/ 256GB variant. We can expect the Redmi K20 price in India to be quite similar. Also this week, Xiaomi released the kernel…

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