
Baldly going where no man had gone before.

It all started with Henry Kissinger.

No, really.

In a 1999 Apple video to launch the Power Macintosh G3, there was a man with a lot of hair and a remarkable resemblance to current Tottenham Hotspur soccer coach and Champions League finalist Mauricio Pocchetino.

Then, Jony Ive’s title was VP of industrial design.

Now, as Ive departs the Apple cart and leaves upset in his wake — in tech hearts and on heartless Wall Street — he can be seen as one of the two people who ushered in the notion that Apple products look lovely and just work.

That video, however, began with these words from Kissinger: “Power is the greatest aphrodisiac.”

For Ive, it was clear even then that design was the greatest aphrodisiac.


“Designing an object that elicits the reaction, ‘I really want that’ is enormously fun,” he said.

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