Apple has reportedly moved the production of its most expensive Mac Pro to China at a time when analysts warn of possible sanctions against the company.

A report from the WSJ indicates that Quanta will make the new Mac Pro in China, as Apple no longer wants to build the device at the existing facility in Austin, Texas.

The reason for the change makes sense in the long term for Apple. Most suppliers for the Mac Pro are already based in China and their production facilities are close to Quanta’s. In other words, the final costs of making the Mac Pro would be significantly reduced, and the report notes that Apple wants the transition to take place as soon as possible.

Quanta is reportedly working on preparing the production lines at a factory in Shanghai, but for the time being, an ETA as to when the actual manufacturing of the device could start is not available.

China sanctions

Apple’s decision to move the Mac Pro to China comes at a time when many expect the Beijing government to fight back against the company after the US authorities banned Huawei from working with American firms.

Apple was seen by analysts as the biggest victim of China’s efforts to seek revenge, and partners like Foxconn recommended the firm to move production to other countries, including Taiwan.

Meanwhile, the United States removed the ban against Huawei, allowing it to use products developed by American companies, and the risk of Apple being targeted by sanctions in China is believed to be lower.

An official announcement from Apple on its transfer of the Mac Pro production to China isn’t yet available, but further details are likely to surface very soon as Quanta begins the manufacturing at its Shanghai plant.

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