IDC hosted its annual CIO Summit at the Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur exploring the strategies to move businesses from digitally distraught to digitally determined enterprises. This year’s CIO Summit themed “Race to Reinvent: The Digital Determination Playbook” aimed at helping CIOs to piece together a playbook for taking their organization from being Digitally Distraught to Digitally Determined.

IDC believes that the local organizations are required to become digitally determined as digital disruption intensifies in Malaysia. To be digitally determined, local organizations require a ‘blueprint’ that consists of a unified enterprise strategy, a long-term investment plan based on the principle that digital is inherently valuable to the business, and a single digital platform to scale technology innovations. The key to success in the next few years require changes to organizational structures and mind-sets.

“The digital disruption is becoming obvious in most industries and the pace of digital transformation (DX) acceleration has heightened. During the first wave of digital transformation, organizations realized that digital technologies should be a core part of any business, and successful strategies. Today, we are entering into a brand new phase where many organizations have recognized the full benefits of DX and are investing in digital innovations with the intention to disrupt the marketplace.,” said Sudev Bangah, Managing Director IDC ASEAN

Speaking at the conference, Bangah added, “The market is moving along at a pace faster than we all think and it is now driven by a customer-centric and empowered workforce, and processes that fuels more efficient operations, new revenue streams and customer loyalty through use of the technology and data. This is the right time to recognize many organizations are scaling up on innovations where continuous enterprise-wide digital innovation is in place, transforming markets through innovative business models and digitally enabled products and services.”

The IDC CIO Summit 2019 brought together more than 100 regional industry leaders and prominent CIOs across the Malaysia. The insights offered at this event aims at helping top business leaders plan their strategy in advance to deliver solutions that meet the challenges of today’s disrupted market conditions.  Some topics include case studies on innovation, customer centricity, digital business operations, and reinventing the workforce.

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