Malaysia’s Defence Minister Mohamad Sabu said on Saturday (Jan 5) that his son was picked up by the police after testing positive for drugs.

And he wants the 31-year old man to be dealt with by the law.

Mr Mohamad, know widely in Malaysia as Mat Sabu, confirmed local media reports that his son Ahmad Saiful Islam Mohamad was arrested in an anti-vice raid by police early on Saturday.

“Following this arrest, my family and I leave the matter entirely up to the authorities to act in accordance with the process of the law,” he said.

“My son, like the children of others, is also subject to the country’s legal processes,” Mr Mohamad, 64, said in a Facebook post on Saturday evening.

It was learnt that Ahmad Saiful was picked up by a combined team involving the Dang Wangi Narcotics Crime Investigation Department and its Secret Society, Gaming and Vice Division, The Star newspaper reported on its website.

The raid was conducted early on Saturday along the Jalan Ampang area, one of Kuala Lumpur’s major thoroughfares that has many nightspots and restaurants.

Sources close to the investigation confirmed that Ahmad Saiful tested positive for marijuana.

He was among the 101 people that were inspected during the anti-vice raid, The Star said.

It was known that he was among two persons who were detained for testing positive for the drug.

Meanwhile, Sinar Harian newspaper reported that Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief Deputy Commissioner Zainuddin Yaacob had confirmed the incident.

The case is being investigated under the penal code for drug abuse. Not much is known about Ahmad Saiful.

His father, on the other hand, is a popular politician in Malaysia.

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