The police added that aside from Putrajaya, the air space around Istana Negara (Royal Palace), as well as the surroundings of Parliament, KLCC, and airports are no-fly zones for drones.

“It is undeniable that video recordings or picture taken from drones are stunning.

“Any professional photographer owns a drone to get the best footage and provide something different to their customers. But remember, there are several locations where drone usage is forbidden,” it said.

It stated that those who want to take aerial shots with drones have to make an application with the Home Ministry beforehand and obtain the approval of the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA).

Those caught flying an unauthorised drone can be arrested under Regulation 143 of the Civil Aviation Regulation 2016 for small, unmanned surveillance aircraft. The individual can be charged under Section 206 (3) of the same regulation, where a person can be fined up to RM50,000, imprisoned up to three years, or both upon conviction.

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