All telecommunications (Telco) companies offering internet service packages need to ensure that consumers get the speed of the internet as offered in their packages, said Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo.

He said the ministry through the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) would monitor the matter and would take appropriate action if the internet speed experienced by the customers was not the same as the package promised.

“All the Telco must understand, when they issue new packages, they mention higher speeds and lower costs so they have to make sure that the speed that the customer received is as promised.

“So I ask them to boost their monitorings on the matter. They have to check that the speed that the customers get is the speed that they say that the customers will get in their packages. I also ask the Telco company to create a complaint bureau and the complaints must be studied in depth, quickly and effectively, “he told reporters here today.

He also urged telecommunications companies to review the old internet packages offered to their customers towards reducing their prices.

He said the government welcomed the new packages offered by those companies that served better internet speeds at cheaper prices, but they also needed to appreciate their customers who still subscribed to old packages.

“On behalf of our ministry, I’ve told MCMC that we are serious. We are serious when we say we want lower prices, faster speeds,” he said.

Meanwhile, Gobind Singh said the government was working towards revising the minimum standard and reasonableness in the prices of the internet services and MCMC would make an announcement about it tomorrow.

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