Celcom Axiata Berhad with Google launched a two-and-a-half-day digital marketing boot camp training programme at the UTMKL Residensi, Kuala Lumpur. The programme gathers over 250 local undergraduates participating from 35 institutions, comprising public and private universities, polytechnics, and community colleges nationwide.

Held from 21-23 September 2018, the bootcamp is a continuity from KPM(PT)-Celcom Siswapreneur programme, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education Malaysia (Higher Education), since 2016. The programme was initiated with the aim to create a digital interest amongst students, and develop their mind-sets, skills, talents in becoming digital entrepreneurs.

Throughout the bootcamp, the fundamentals of Google Ads was shared, such as the benefits of online advertising and the best practices for optimised Ads campaign management. Google will also be sharing their basic and intermediate concepts of Google Shopping Certification, which include creating a Merchant Centre account, product data feed, and managing Shopping campaigns.

The bootcamp was officiated by Yang Berbahagia Professor Dr. Azizi Ismail, Deputy Director General of Higher Education, Ministry of Education. Zuraida Jamaluddin, Chief Corporate Officer, Celcom Axiata Berhad, and Nick Bauer, Head of Public Policy, Google also graced the event.

Celcom also extended a Memorandum of Understanding of the KPM(PT)-Celcom Siswapreneur programme with another five universities – Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, International Islamic University Malaysia, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, and Islamic Science University of Malaysia, during the launch of the Siswapreneur @ Google Bootcamp.

Mohamad Idham Nawawi, Chief Executive Officer of Celcom Axiata Berhad, said it is high time for industries and the government to work hand-in-hand in innovating the job market, and prepare undergraduates with skills that are beyond textbooks, making entrepreneurship an important option.

“As part of Celcom’s sustainability programme of nurturing people and human development, the KPM(PT)-Celcom Siswapreneur Programme seeks to cultivate students with an interest in becoming Malaysia’s future entrepreneurs. Our initiative in developing students and inculcating entrepreneurship will be further heightened by its collaboration with Google, a leading digital partner with a similar goal of advocating digital skills among our youth. We hope that the training and learning process shared with them during this boot camp will encourage them to transform themselves from being mere job seekers into potential job creators,” he said.

Nick Bauer, Head of Public Policy, Google, said, ” In an age where having an online presence is just as important for a business as as having a phone, we feel that it is important for budding entrepreneurs and marketers to equip themselves with the right digital skills and understand how consumers shop online. We’ve worked closely with Celcom to ensure that this two-and-a-half-day bootcamp will help provide the students with a deeper understanding of Google Ads and give them a leg up when entering the job market.”

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