Posting on behalf of MalaysianWireless:

MalaysianWireless received some questions about Unifi customers living in condo, using copper cables, old VDSL technology.  From a technical perspective, VDSL could only deliver maximum speeds up to 52Mbps. Thus 50Mbps is the maximum speed Unifi could deliver to these customers.

If TM upgrades to VDSL2, it could deliver speeds up to 300Mbps for customers living in condo.

Our source indicates that TM is working on delivering end to end fibre to some of these condominiums. Another source told us that Telekom Malaysia has requested access to TIME Internet ‘s infrastructure in condo/buildings since TIME already delivers end to end fibre to all its customers (technical speeds – 1Gbps + 1Gbps). These are work in progress and might take a while.

Eventually, TM wants all customers to enjoy a minimum 100Mbps on Unifi, but it takes time to upgrade and expand the infrastructure.

Note: This limitation doesn’t affect new condo/buildings with fiber infrastructure already in place and Unifi customers can enjoy the maximum speed of 800Mbps.

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Slave of the Telco Industry

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