Close to four months into its debut, Yoodo, the telco which offers customised mobile plans through an online platform, will be stepping up advertising, especially activities during the festive season as it works towards achieving 600 new subscriptions a day.

Acknowledging that the business had seen a slow period during the general elections and Ramadan season, Yoodo’s head Farid Yunus told SunBiz although the numbers were not as projected, but it was still decent enough compared to other digital-based telco competitors.

Since inception, Yoodo spent about 80% of its advertising and promotion allocation on digital avenues and 20% on offline advertising platforms such as billboards, pillar wraps and digital billboards.

“It is about awareness that prompted us to do lots of online advertising but we find the people who have brand recognition are the ones who have seen our billboards somewhere and we don’t have many billboards,” said Farid.

I think the online advertising business is way too cluttered… I mean when was the last time you clicked on a banner or link that you saw?” he asked.

In line with that, Yoodo is also looking to capitalise on the Hari Raya period by increasing its advertisements along the North-South Highway to attract hometown bound travelers.

Yoodo which offers credit and debit card payment methods, will also be offering online banking option and Paypal in the near future.

When asked if a cash payment option is on the horizon, Farid said that online banking is the closest the telco will come to it.

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