New Communications and Multimedia Minister Gobind Singh Deo says he will work towards achieving broadband connections that are “double the speed, half the price” for the people.

He said the public had been complaining about the quality of broadband in Malaysia, which was far inferior to other developed countries.

Gobind, who started his first day in charge of the ministry today said he would look at various aspects including problems faced by telecommunications companies and find solutions to improve the quality of broadband services in the country.

“If we look at broadband in other countries, the service provided differs greatly from what we (Malaysia) have, so there is no reason why we cannot emulate other systems from overseas. That’s one thing I will try to do, (which is) also part of the 100 day plan,” he said during a special programme broadcast live on RTM tonight.

He said he would also be holding a meeting with telecommunications companies to discuss the matter.

Meanwhile, Gobind said he was also committed to ensuring freedom of the press, which also included criticism of the government.

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